Friday, November 6, 2009

Rosie Found

The internet is amazing, a web site, mass emailing, the area was blanketed with Rosie's info and picture, and she was found. Someone spotted her, called Animal Control, who recognized her from the flyer and website, picked her up, and she's now home safely, none the worse for wear.

FInd Rosie

Lost Dog

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Lost female German Shepherd

A very good friend is looking for her lost Rosie in the Short North/Grandview/Upper Arlington area. Rosie is a black GSD, petite, friendly but most likely very scared. She escaped from her pet sitter's yard this morning and we're all desparately trying to find her and bring her home. If you are in the Columbus area please keep an eye out for her, large reward, details at this website, including who to call.